English Intent
English at Bradford AP Academy is personalised, structured and organised to ensure that all students make sustained and rapid progress, whilst embedding key skills to support further on-going study. The curriculum is organised within the remit of the KS3 & KS4 National Curriculum and considers varied approaches to learning styles and the starting points of students. The English curriculum intent is one of both inclusion and challenge, with assessment being rooted within each unit, whilst combining opportunities for pupil engagement and reading for pleasure.
Curriculum Content
The following topics and themes are taught at BAPA to support the effective implementation of the English intent statement and to support our delivery of the English National Curriculum.
All students deserve a broad and ambitious English curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which engages and prepares students well for future learning or employment. Our schemes of work build upon literacy skills developed within Key Stage 2, but are also robust and rigorous in content to cope with the demands of Key Stage 4.
Our English curriculum will give students the opportunity to:
- read a wide range of texts and gain analytical skills, in order to breakdown the language and structure to establish and consider meaning;
- demonstrate mastery of reading through discussion and writing;
- enjoy a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts which help them to connect with the world around them;
- develop cultural capital that will help remove barriers to achievement in school, future learning and the world of work;
- write clearly, fluently and accurately in plain English, showing flair and creativity where appropriate;
- develop detailed ideas in writing, adapting language to audience and purpose;
- use a wide range of appropriate and ambitious vocabulary with precision;
- produce ‘beautiful work’ of which they can be proud;
- in talk, articulate and express their ideas, views and opinions about a wide range of topics clearly, confidently and respectfully;
- Students study a variety of texts during their placement and read widely. A vast library is available in both sites and staff promote a culture of reading for pleasure.